Scan Date!

I’ve finally received my scan date! It’s at Solihull hospital on the 29th June, so next Monday. I’m so excited I literally can’t wait! I feel like I’ve waited so long for this to happen and it’s almost here. 

It’s scary to think that I’m nearly a third of the way through already. It still doesn’t feel real though, even though it’s been twelve weeks! I think after the scan when I can start buying things and know for definite this isn’t all a massive dream it will finally sink in properly.

My next post will be next week after I’ve seen my little one for the first time. 

xo Skyler

13.05.15 – Feeling So Sick

Dear Reader,

I feel kind of silly for feeling this way, especially as I’m not very far gone in my pregnancy, but I feel so exhausted and sick already! It gets to about 1pm and I’m ready for a nap! Is this normal? Has anyone else had the same?

I’ve been feeling quite queasy too, this was one of the first warning signs that I was pregnant anyway, I had a horrible sicky feeling a couple of weeks before I did my test. It’s not pleasant and I really hope it goes away…. I’m pretty sure it won’t though, knowing my luck!

I think I’m probably really tired because I have had to stop drinking as much tea. Usually I have about 15 cups a day! So that’s way too much caffeine and I’ve had to cut back. 

Hopefully I’ll feel a bit more alive after the first trimester has passed. Hopefully.

xo Skyler