30.05.2015 – First Visit from the Midwife


The midwife came today for my first visit.  She was really nice which I’m so happy about – I’m still feeling really nervous about everything. 

It wasn’t a really long visit, she took my blood pressure, tested for carbon monoxide levels, weighed me, worked out my BMI, etc. Obviously she asked all of the questions about medical history in our families and my own health. She made sure I was happy in my relationship and asked a few questions about my boyfriend but that’s about it really.

I’ve got to go have a blood test on Wednesday and she said that I will receive a letter with the date and time of my first scan in the next few weeks – so exciting! She worked out that I’m 7 weeks and 6 days pregnant today and my due date is the 12th January, which is 4 days before my birthday! The scan will tell me the exact date but it’s really nice to have an idea for now.

I still haven’t bought anything yet as its so early but I’ve been looking online and I’ve seen loads of cute things. I can’t wait for these first 12 weeks to pass so I can tell everyone and start to prepare!
xo Skyler 

19.05.2015 – First Doctors Appointment  

I had my first doctors appointment today! 

I’m not too sure what I was expecting. It was quite short and she didn’t really do or ask me much. She didn’t even test to see if I was actually pregnant! Is that normal? I just assumed she would confirm in case I’d done a faulty test or something like that (I’ve done two Clearblue tests so I’m pretty certain that I am extremely pregnant) – but nope, she just took my word for it and gave me my notes to book an appointment with my midwife. 

I live in Birmingham and I’ve chosen to have my baby at Heartlands Hospital. I like the idea that’s its closest to where I live and also, if I did need to have a c section for any reason they’re able to do it there. If I was at another hospital they would need to transfer me to Heartlands for the operation anyway so I thought it would be best to go there in the first place. 

The doctors surgery said that my midwife will call me to let me know what day she’ll be coming to visit and then she’ll book me in for my first scan – so exciting! It will be nice to find out how far gone I actually am. I checked on a due date calculator online and it said that today I am six weeks and two days pregnant and I’m due on the 10th January – my birthday is on the 16th! I could have a very cute birthday present for my 24th!

The past couple of days I’ve been struggling with really bad bloating on the evenings. My stomach literally feels so tight and uncomfortable for hours, usually until bed time. It sticks out and makes me look blatantly pregnant when in the mornings I’m not showing at all! I’m a size 6 – 8 usually so I’m guessing that’s why my stomach looks so prominent. It’s horrible but I’ve read that it usually dies down after a couple of months so fingers crossed! 

Also I can’t stop eating! It’s insane how hungry I am 30 minutes after I’ve eaten a full meal! I’m curious to see how much my body changes over the next few months. I’m going to be honest, I feel like I’m struggling quite a bit already and I haven’t passed the first trimester yet. Hopefully things will get better and I know it will all be worth it in the end!

xo Skyler 

13.05.15 – Feeling So Sick

Dear Reader,

I feel kind of silly for feeling this way, especially as I’m not very far gone in my pregnancy, but I feel so exhausted and sick already! It gets to about 1pm and I’m ready for a nap! Is this normal? Has anyone else had the same?

I’ve been feeling quite queasy too, this was one of the first warning signs that I was pregnant anyway, I had a horrible sicky feeling a couple of weeks before I did my test. It’s not pleasant and I really hope it goes away…. I’m pretty sure it won’t though, knowing my luck!

I think I’m probably really tired because I have had to stop drinking as much tea. Usually I have about 15 cups a day! So that’s way too much caffeine and I’ve had to cut back. 

Hopefully I’ll feel a bit more alive after the first trimester has passed. Hopefully.

xo Skyler 


Dear reader,

On Sunday I found out something terrifying. I am going to be a mom. 

I wasn’t prepared for that bombshell, let me tell you! Don’t get me wrong, I’m not upset, just worried. I don’t know what to expect. There’s going to be a whole lot going on in the next few months and then a whole lot more once the baby comes. 

I’m 23, nearly 24, and I’ve been told that’s a nice age to have a baby. Is that true? 

I’m only about 5 weeks so far, so I thought that I would start a cute little blog to document my whole pregnancy and hopefully help other girls in my situation out in the future. 

Me and my boyfriend don’t live together at the moment and to be totally honest we really haven’t been together for a long amount of time but everything happens for a reason so we are going to do our best and see how everything goes. There isn’t anyone else I’d ever rather be in this situation with – plus he’s been so wonderful, especially these past few days. This wasn’t planned and we’ve both agreed that we don’t feel as ready as we could be but in my opinion, not many pregnancies are organised right? We think we’ll be okay and we’re lucky enough to have awesome families who are super happy about the news and are more than willing to help us out every now and again. 

Hopefully this is all going to work out okay! Look forward to lots of posts about my progress, diet, baby hauls, house hunting and whatever else the next 8 months are going to bring! 

xo Skyler